The School Blog
Thursday 13 February 2025 Tweedy the Clown Everyone really enjoyed the visit of Tweedy the Clown who came to read his story, 'Tweedy Has Lost His Nose!' Before signing some books, he made everyone laugh with his expert 'clowning around' and even performed some magic tricks with the help of a couple of amazing assistants! Everyone listened carefully to his story where we learnt that he didn't need his red nose to be funny, just hard work and creativity. A truly unique author visit! A full gallery of pictures is on the school website.
Thursday 16 January 2025 Y4 Maths Challenge Y4 pupils from Avening and Leighterton collaborated to tackle some tricky mathematical challenges. Everyone worked really hard and enjoyed the feeling of finding their way to a solution. Thank you to Y5 for offering a helping hand and being ready with a top tip!
Monday 16 December 2024 The Fleece Force The Eagles and Kestrels have been very busy rehearsing for their nativity performance. This year they are telling the story of a hardworking trainee 'Fleece Force' officer who's first job is to control the crowds on their way to Bethlehem. As well as dealing with shepherds, sheep, kings and camels, she also has to cope with very enthusiastic colleagues!
Monday 11 November 2024 Remembrance Day Everyone paused to pay their respects on Remembrance Day. During assembly, they learnt about the history of remembrance and some of the people who lived in Avening and died during WWI. Then, everyone went to the Millennium Cross to observe the silence. Finally, Y6 pupils read the names of the fallen while the school council lay a cross for each one. The whole of the school community came together to understand and demonstrate the first school value of respect.
Sunday 1 September 2024 Active Celebration Assembly This year everyone took the opportunity to represent the school in an active event with other schools including competitions. It was great to celebrate the enjoyment and progress made by taking part in the events. Very well done to our Sports Personalities for this year who have been excellent role models and demonstrated all of the sporting values in everything they have done. Well done everyone!
Thursday 20 June 2024 FGR Visit Harrison, our FGR ambassador, organised a visit to school. Every class enjoyed some football coaching and the Owls also learnt more about living sustainably. Their mascot, Neville the Green Devil, even came into assembly to hand out some certificates to pupils who were demonstrating the Premier League values. Thank you Harrison for organising a great visit!
Thursday 6 June 2024 Dynamos Cricket A team of Owls enjoyed competing in the cricket tournament at Stroud Cricket Club against other local schools. They were able to apply the skills they had learnt in cricket club last term to produce some fabulous catches and huge sixes! A full gallery of pictures is on the gallery page. Well done team!
Tuesday 14 May 2024 Tennis Festival A team of Hawks enjoyed visiting Kingshill School to take part in a tennis festival run by their sports leaders. There were lots of of fun activities to try which all helped develop their tennis skills. During the games they were concentrating on using the School Games Values of Passion, Self-Belief, Respect, Honesty, Determination and Teamwork. Everyone had great fun and was able to name at least one of the values they had exhibited.
Saturday 27 April 2024 Health and Wellbeing Workshop Some Hawks and Owls visited Cirencester Rugby Club to participate in some team building exercises & mindfulness activities. They had great fun playing tag archery and making smoothies using a bicycle powered blender!
Monday 15 April 2024 Dodgeball Our team had great fun taking part in a dodgeball tournament at Cirencester Arena. They demonstrated fantastic collaboration skills to support each other during the matches and developed their tactics as the games progressed. They also applied all of their throwing, catching and agility skills to great effect to win a lot of games. Great effort everyone!
Friday 22 March 2024 Talent Show 2024 Spring Term ended with our annual Talent Show - and what a lot of talent we enjoyed! We had a musician, dancers, gymnasts, comedians and Gia had us all joining in with her Zumba class! It was a very entertaining end to our busy term! For more photographs of the event, head to our galleries page.
Friday 22 March 2024 Netball Tournament Our team of netballers enjoyed the opportunity to take part in a tournament at Kingshill School. They got to play lots of games and compete against other local schools. There was great effort and honesty shown throughout. Well played everyone!
Tuesday 12 March 2024 Multisports Festival A team from of Hawks enjoyed trying out a range of sports run by pupils from Kingshill School. They got to experience archery, athletics, cricket, skipping and dodgeball with support from the leaders. Everyone took part with enthusiasm and had great fun!
Friday 8 March 2024 World Book Day 2024 We celebrated the wonderful world of magic this year. Our school filled with lots of witches, wizards and the odd cat or two! We are in awe of the imaginations of authors! For lots more photographs, go to the gallery page.
Tuesday 5 March 2024 Cross Country Running Our team enjoyed challenging themselves against the distance and the weather to take part in a cross country competition at Kingshill School. It was great to see them persevere through difficult, muddy conditions to set new personal bests and be proud of their efforts. Well done everyone!
Thursday 8 February 2024 Children's Mental Health Week 2024 In the big, wide world, our voices matter.
Thursday 8 February 2024 Running Club Circuit Training It may have been pouring with rain and too muddy to run around the park, but that didn't stop our running club working on their fitness levels with some challenging circuits! Well done to our fitness champions!
Friday 26 January 2024 Young Voices 2024 Our Young Voices choir had the best time at our Young Voices concert at the NEC in Birmingham. We sang and danced in a choir of nearly 6000 children - and made everyone who came to watch us very proud!
Wednesday 17 January 2024 Running A team of runners enjoyed learning more about pacing when they visited SWR School. They competed in a range of challenges over different distances where they had to adapt their pacing strategy. They will be able to apply their knowledge to future events. There were a lot of tired and happy faces at the end! A full gallery of pictures is on the school website.
Wednesday 17 January 2024 Y3 Maths Challenge Year 3 enjoyed applying their mathematical skills when they took part in the maths challenge with Leighterton School. They had to collaborate with their team to solve a range of challenges against the clock. Some pupils from SWR were on hand to offer support and check their answers as well. Everyone persevered with the difficult problems and enjoyed the feeling of successfully completing them. There is a full gallery of pictures on the school website.
Thursday 11 January 2024 Y5/6 Dodgeball Everyone enjoyed an energetic evening playing dodgeball against other local schools. It was great to see the team adapting and improving their tactics as the tournament went on. Great effort everyone!
Friday 22 December 2023 Christmas 2023 We have enjoyed pantos, theatre trips, productions, Christmas iRock, Kelly the Cook's delicious Christmas dinner and a very beautiful carol service in the past two weeks. Have a very Happy Christmas everyone and best wishes for 2024!
Wednesday 13 December 2023 Dodgeball Festival A team of Hawks had a fabulous time participating in a dodgeball festival at SWR. The games were refereed by some sports leaders who did a great job in teaching the rules and encouraging the teams. Everyone was placed in a team with children from other schools and it was great to see everyone collaborate together to improve their level of success. There were some brilliant throwing and catching skills on show as well as a lot of effort and enjoyment. Well done everyone!
Monday 11 December 2023 Skipping Leaders Well done to the children who took part in the skipping leaders workshop in Cirencester. They had a very busy session learning how to teach other children how to skip, some new tricks and how to set up a game with a long rope. Hopefully, they will be able to bring their new skills into the playground to help everyone have active and fun playtimes.
Tuesday 5 December 2023 County Football Finals Well done to everyone who represented the school so well at the football finals. The worked really hard, supported each other and showed great respect to their opponents.
Friday 17 November 2023 Cirencester Football Champions! Fabulous effort and collaboration skills meant that the football team returned victorious from the Cirencester Primary School tournament. There were some astounding goals and determined defending as they progressed through the matches against some other great teams. They should all be extremely proud of their efforts!
Friday 10 November 2023 Remembrance Day Everyone respectfully took part in our Remembrance service where we learnt more about the Avening villages who died during WW1. Then we walked to the church to pause at 11 o'clock. Finally, the School Council placed a cross down for each life lost.
Monday 23 October 2023 Hockey Skills Our team enjoyed developing their hockey skills with the Deer Park Sports Leaders. They took part in training drills before applying their new skills in some games. Everyone collaborated really well to score lots of goals!
Friday 20 October 2023 Harvest Festival Thank you to our generous school community for donating to our Harvest Festival collection for our local foodbank. We held a joyful service of songs and thanksgiving all about having a healthy diet. We hop that the kindness of our families reaches those in need.
Thursday 19 October 2023 Future Lionesses Football Festival Our team enjoyed taking part in the competition at SWR. For many of them, it was their first time playing football and it was pleasing to see them take part with such enthusiasm and have fun.
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