The Kestrels Class Blog
Thursday 30 January 2025 Forest School Science This week, the Kestrels have been busy creating a stick man to help them to learn the features of the human body. They had to carefully tie the sticks together to make the body.
Wednesday 15 January 2025 Oracy Competition A huge 'Well Done!' to all of the Kestrels who chose to take part in the oracy competition this year. They planned their talk at home before delivering it to the Eagles and Kestrels. Everyone enjoyed listening to talks about wolves, dinosaurs, koalas and poetry. It was great to see our orators enjoy the experience as well.
Friday 20 December 2024 Father Christmas! The Kestrels enjoyed a visit from Father Christmas before the holidays. Everyone sat respectfully while Father Christmas handed out the presents. It was lovely to hear everyone remember to be polite and say, 'Thank you!' Before he left, everyone wished him a very merry Christmas!
Thursday 19 December 2024 Art This term, the Kestrels have been learning about textiles in art. They took inspiration about landscapes from David Hockney before using weaving skills to create their Christmas tree plates. Everyone used perseverance to learn the weaving skills and were very proud of their achievements when they finished.
Thursday 21 November 2024 Talking to an Historian The Kestrels enjoyed asking questions to an historian from the Museum in the Park to learn more about the history of Avening. They had carefully studied artefacts from the local woollen industry which helped them think of more questions they wanted help to answer. The historian found their questions very interesting and was able to do some more research to be able to answer them. Finding out more about the past helped them notice more similarities and differences between lives then and now. They finished the session by trying some weaving on the school gate!
Tuesday 12 November 2024 Anti-bullying Week As part of anti-bullying week, Young Minds Matter visited school. The taught the Kestrels about how to recognise their emotions. They also learnt some strategies they can use to manage strong emotions.
Wednesday 16 October 2024 Life Education Visit The Kestrels enjoyed finding out about their wonderful bodies with help from Harold. They learnt about some of their organs, what their body needed to be healthy and how to manage their emotions. It was great to meet Harold again!
Thursday 10 October 2024 Forest School Science This week the Kestrels have been busy measuring the rainfall in the school garden. There has been plenty of rain for them to measure!
Saturday 28 September 2024 Forest School Science The weather was perfect for the Kestrels to set up their rain gauges this week! They could be full very soon! Afterwards, they listened to the story of Winnie the Pooh and played Pooh sticks as they discussed how the weather had changed the stream since last week.
Thursday 19 September 2024 Forest School Science This week, the Kestrels have been preparing to find out about the features of different seasons. They collaborated to create rain gauges so they can monitor the weather over the next few weeks.
Wednesday 11 September 2024 Forest School Science This week, everyone began learning about seasons. After remembering what they already knew about the seasons, everyone learnt current season and went on an autumn scavenger hunt to find evidence. In the picture, they are counting how many conker shells have fallen in the stream.
Sunday 14 July 2024 Paramedic Visit The Kestrels really enjoyed a visit from an ambulance. The paramedics gave them a guided tour including lights and siren!
Wednesday 3 July 2024 Frozen Yoghurts In DT, the Kestrels have been learning to be chefs and created their own frozen yoghurts. First, they tasted some examples from the shop to find out what makes a good frozen yoghurt. Then, they chose their fruit and created a design to meet the criteria of looking appetising. After preparing the fruit, they created their yoghurt before tasting their final product. Finally, they thought about what they would do next time to improve their product.
Wednesday 3 July 2024 Forest School Science After looking after their plants, this week the Kestrels were applying everything they have learnt to sort plant cards into a life cycle.
Thursday 27 June 2024 Forest School Science This week the Kestrels observed the changes to their plants since their previous lesson. Then they watered and weeded their beetroot, carrots, onions and potatoes.
Wednesday 19 June 2024 Copsegrove Farm The Kestrels enjoyed a fantastic trip to Copsegrove Farm. After visiting the compost loos, they went on an adventure across the field and into the woods. On the way they identified different species of trees and learnt about the function of each part. In the woods, they found some plant superheroes who do amazing things, chopped fruit for fruit kebabs and used their map skills to create a treasure hunt. Everyone had lots fun and learnt a huge amount!
Wednesday 12 June 2024 Forest School Science The Kestrels have been learning to identify deciduous and evergreen trees in the school garden by examining the leaves.
Monday 13 May 2024 Forest School Science This week, everyone was exploring the trees in the school garden. After investigating the trees using our senses of sight, touch, smell and hearing, we examined differences between the barks by completing rubbings. It was an interesting way to notice the difference between the trees.
Friday 3 May 2024 Martial Arts The Kestrels enjoyed taking part in a martial arts PE lesson. Some of the Kestrels enjoy going to a martial arts club outside of school and thought that everyone else would like to see what they do. Everyone had great fun!
Thursday 2 May 2024 Forest School Science This week, the Kestrels have been learning to identify the needs of plants by making sure they have been watered and weeded so they get enough light.
Monday 29 April 2024 Forest School Science This week, the Kestrels checked their vegetable beds. They removed the weeds, examined the roots and identified the tap root, lateral roots, stem and leaves.
Thursday 25 April 2024 Rocks and Fossils As part of Earth Week, Lola's mum came into school to talk to us about rocks and fossils. Everyone enjoyed finding out how different rocks were formed. It was amazing to hold some fossils and discover the animal they came from. The dinosaur poo was particularly popular!
Tuesday 23 April 2024 Meeting a Geologist The Kestrels had a very interesting visit from a geologist as part of Earth Week. They found out lots about their job as well as learning about pollution and recycling.
Friday 19 April 2024 Meeting an Author The Kestrels enjoyed meeting author Hayley Hartles and listening to her newly published book, The Patient Seagull. They were able to ask questions about her inspiration, the writing process and persevering. They found out that they do all of the same things as Hayley when they are writing stories! Thank you for visiting Hayley!
Wednesday 17 April 2024 Forest School Science
Monday 15 April 2024 Multiskills at SWR The Kestrels enjoyed an active morning taking part in the multiskills event at SWR School. The Sports Leaders had organised lots of fun activities for everyone to try and helped everyone take part. It was great to see all the children applying their skills, learning new ones and having great fun! There are a full gallery of pictures on the school website.
Tuesday 12 March 2024 Bedtime Stories The Kestrels really enjoyed sharing stories with children in the Hawks as paret of their World Book Day celebrations.
Tuesday 5 March 2024 Dance Festival The Kestrels enjoyed taking part in the dance festival at SWR School. They were able to watch a wide variety of performances from SWR students as well as other local primary schools. We were all really proud of the Kestrels' performance of their dance, 'George and the Dragon', which they adapted from a story they studied in English. Well done everyone!
Thursday 14 December 2023 Noisy Nativity! The Kestrels have worked very hard to prepare their nativity performance. They look fabulous in their costumes, sing beautifully and act brilliantly! Everyone has enjoyed learning their lines and performing to an audience. A gallery of pictures is available on he school website.
Monday 13 November 2023 Anti-bullying Week As part of Anti-Bullying Week, the Kestrels were visited by Young Minds Matter who taught them about respect. Everyone thought about what made them special and how we can make someone feel important and cared for if we show them respect.
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